Tag Archives: Pixies

Mixtape Challenge – Animals

So this months mixtape challenge theme is ‘Animals’ which is fairly broad to say the least. The obvious idea was to go for a list of songs that are awesome with animals in the title. But there was still so much more that could be done… As @gemstgem points out this list could take you down any path:

So your mix can be:

  • Songs about animals or with the names of animals in them
  • Songs by bands with animals in their name
  • Songs related to animals
  • A list of songs about one particular animal
  • Or go conceptual and come up with your own (animal-related) version…

After reeling off a few songs with animals in the title, I decided to try and stick to a theme. Then it dawned on me… What links the number 12 (songs) and animals? Why the Chinese Zodiac of course! So, with that as a theme, so follows my choices – there were a few variations on this theme owing to ‘problems with English translation‘ and being unable to find a suitable song but here goes.

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